Head Over Heels
Music and Lyrics by The Go-Go’s
Based Upon the Arcadia by Sir Philip Sidney
Conceived and Original Book by Jeff Whitty
Adapted by James Magruder
Directed by Jeri Hammond
Choreographed by Joy Clark
Music Directed by Jon Goldberg
June 2nd & 3rd, 2022
About the Show:
A jukebox musical featuring the songs of The Go-Go’s and based on Philip Sidney’s The Countess of Pembroke’s Arcadia, Head Over Heels is the story of what happens when the royal court of Arcadia is threatened by the mystical Oracle of Delphi with the loss of its “Beat,” the divine power that ensures the kingdom’s prosperity. King Basilius, whose own title is at stake, forces the members of the royal family and court on a journey to the woods in an attempt to escape the Oracle’s seemingly unavoidable prophecies. Through a plot containing usurped kingship, unlikely lovers, and gender-fluid disguises, Head Over Heels preaches unconditional love and acceptance of yourself and everyone you know, no matter their gender or sexual identity, and uses some of the greatest pop rock hits of the late 20th century.
Produced by special arrangement with Broadway Licensing
Charlotte Bartow-Fuchs: Ensemble
Julia Bartow-Fuchs: Ensemble
Ivy Bass: Ensemble
Bryan Baumer: Basilius
Ava Bub: Philoclea
Sofia Grabiel Butler: Mopsa
Liam Christ: Ensemble
Benjamin Ciliberto: Musidorus
Jackson Daley: Pythio
Keira Dent: Pamela
Felix Grigsby: Ensemble
Lila Hoffman: Ensemble
Audrey Howell: Ensemble
Jake Klineman: Ensemble
Katie Memory: Ensemble
Kaiden Reitz: Ensemble
Julia Smith: Gynecia
Winnie Yuan: Ensemble
Director – Jeri Hammond
Choreographer – Joy Clark
Music Director – Jon Goldberg
Lighting Designer – Lawrence Ware
Costume Designer – Christina Beam
Sound Designer – Nate Morrissey
Props Master – Jenn Butler
Production Stage Manager – Alyse Clinton
Set Designer – Saskia Martinez
Lead Electrician – Lawrence Ware
Costume Assistant – Lindsay Hoinsington
Sound Engineer – Nate Morrissey
Captioning – Alyse Clinton, Neil Gustafson
Piano/Conductor: Jon Goldberg
Guitar 1: Robert Bekkers
Guitar 2: Brooks Clarke
Bass: Jamie Welch
Drums: Doug Lippincott
Coming soon
Coming soon
Coming soon
- Program Booklet (To Come)
Coming soon