Individual support helps Wheelock Family Theatre continue our 40+ year legacy of bringing the transformative power of theatre to the Greater Boston area through an unwavering commitment to diversity, affordability, access, and inclusion. We are grateful to the many individuals who contribute to Wheelock Family Theatre. Your contribution provides invaluable support to our program.

Giving Day 2025
Wheelock Family Theatre is excited to participate in Boston University Giving Day, April 9, 2025! Giving Day is a one-day online fundraising drive. Each year, Giving Day brings together Wheelock Family Theatre supporters from all corners of our community —alumni, parents, students, performers, teachers, staff, and friends—to give back and to celebrate Wheelock Family Theatre. This year we have a goal of raising $10,000 during Giving Day.
To help us reach that goal please consider becoming a Giving Day Advocate. Anyone can sign-up to be an advocate, committing to promoting Giving Day on April 9 within your personal network. CLICK HERE to learn more and to sign-up to become an advocate
Annual Fund Giving
The Wheelock Family Theatre Fund supports Wheelock Family Theatre productions, classes, community engagement activities, and our general operating expenses. Donations to the Wheelock Family Theatre Fund are essential to our work, providing us the flexibility to meet the most immediate needs. The generosity of Wheelock Family Theatre Fund supports allows us to provide reduced priced tickets to nearly 12,000 students attending our student matinee productions, increase our technical capabilities in the theater with investment in new equipment, expand our wrap-around experiences for patrons with disabilities, and continue to hire and work with the highest quality professional artists on and off stage.

The Corner of the Sky Scholarship Fund
Wheelock Family Theatre is committed to bringing the transformative power of theatre within the reach of all youth in the greater Boston area. Each year Wheelock Family Theatre is able to offer more than $100,000 in tuition assistance and scholarships for our education classes.
The Corner of the Sky Scholarship Fund was established by Wheelock Family Theatre Advisory Board member and parent Maggie Gold Seelig and her son, former Wheelock Family Theatre student and performer Max Seelig, to help eliminate financial barriers for young artists to participate in Wheelock Family Theatre programs and support the development of new programs for teens and young adults with disabilities. We hope you will consider a gift to the Corner of the Sky Scholarship Fund making more unique arts opportunities available to all students.
Family Sustainer Program
In 2022, as part of our 40th season, Wheelock Family Theater launched its Family Sustainer Program! Our Family Sustainers are a special group of donors that invest in the mission and values of Wheelock Family Theatre through a recurring monthly donation. These monthly automatic donations make it easier for Wheelock Family Theatre to plan long-term, budget more efficiently, and create more effective change. As a Family Sustainer you choose how much to give and for how long, and you can change your amount or cancel at any time.

Individuals making online donations will be re-directed to a Boston University landing page. For further assistance, please contact Beth Barclay, Senior Major Gifts Officer.
Checks may be sent to:
Wheelock Family Theatre at Boston University
Gift Processing
c/o JPMorgan Chase & Co.
P.O. Box 22605
New York, NY 10087-2605
Donations to Wheelock Family Theatre may be tax deductible.
Corporate & Organizational Opportunities

WFT@BU’s Corporate Partners program gives companies the opportunity to support our family-friendly mission while gaining valuable recognition for their company with our audience.
For an annual investment of between $5000 and $25,000, our corporate partners receive a variety of benefits and amenities:
- The opportunity to promote their company to our audience, through ads and notices in front of 45,000 people at our performances throughout the season
- Visibility with the broader public through more than 150,000 impressions on marketing collateral, including our website, email blasts, and printed marketing materials.
- A generous allotment of complimentary tickets, providing enjoyable, accessible entertainment occasions for the company’s employees and clients and their families.
- The opportunity to connect the company with an organization that is known for its 35+ year commitment to Greater Boston’s children and families.
Local Business Advertising
Local businesses can place advertisements in our season of theatre program books and reach the 45,000 people who attend WFT@BU’s performances annually.

Support Wheelock Family Theatre on BU Giving Day!
Thanks to our 2024 Giving Day sponsors and generous champions of WFT, Jerry Wheelock and Elizabeth Wood, the first $5,000 raised for WFT will generate bonus funds on BU Giving Day. Jerry, a member of the WFT Board of Advisors, and Elizabeth began their connection with WFT as stage parents for their aspiring actor daughter.
Join us in celebrating the legacy of Wheelock Family Theatre by making your gift on BU Giving Day. Live theater transforms lives!