Cleveland 'Mac' Nicoll
(The Winter’s Tale, Macbeth) Commonwealth Shakespeare Company; (A Midsummer Night’s Dream, Romeo & Juliet) CSC2. (The Book of Will) Hub Theatre Company of Boston. (The Wizard of Oz) Sundance. (Baz Lurman’s Strictly Ballroom (U.S. Premiere), Phantom) Hale Centre Theatre. (Anything Goes, Sense & Sensibility, Tuck Everlasting) HCTO. (Hedwig and the Angry Inch) An Other Theatre Co. (Twelfth Night, The Tempest) Renaissance Now Theatre & Film. Founding member of Klouns Co. and an associate member of the SDC; having directed for Klouns Co., Hale Center Theatre Orem, The Noorda Center for Performing Arts, Renaissance Now Theatre & Film, An Other Theatre Co., Utah Valley University, and Bentley University.