Walking the Tightrope
Written by Mike Kenny
Streamed Performance
Directed by Nick Vargas
A story of family, loss, and the poetry of the circus.
Recommended for ages 6+.
Streamed LIVE & FREE on May 1st, 2021 at 2 pm.

This performance will be open captioned.
Alphabetical by last name. Click on a name to learn more!

Elaine Vaan Hogue
Grammy Sofie

Valyn Lyric Turner
Alphabetical by last name. Click on a name to learn more!

Kat Ali
Production Assistant

Klara Ballay
Assistant Lighting Designer

Sam Bliss
Assistant Sound Designer

Qian Chengyuan
Lighting Designer

Erin Davis

Sean Doyle
Sound Designer

Brenda Dziadzio
Paint Charge

Emma George
Costume Designer

Lawren Gregory
Technical Director

Grecia Hernandez-Ramirez
Production Manager

John Holmes
Master Electrician

Maddie Horvat
Video Department Head

Annie Kao
Video Coordinator

Angelene Kim
Video Editor

Sam Knox
Stage Manager

Julia Madden
Poster Designer

Samantha Mastrati
Scenic Designer

Patrick Meade
Sound Board Op

Isaak Olson
Master Electrician

Daniel Perkins
Assistant Stage Manager

Emily Ranii
Artistic Director

John Tomlinson
Video Editor
Nick Vargas

Marc Andrea Vento
Props Assistant
About the Play
A story of family, loss, and the poetry of the circus. At the end of every summer, Esme goes to stay with her Nanna and Grammy Sofie. But this summer, Nanna Queenie is missing. Unable to express that Nanna Queenie has passed away, Grammy instead shares that Nanna Queenie has joined the circus. Grammy’s story unravels, however, when the circus comes to town.
Coming Soon!
Press inquiries please contact Jenna Corcoran at jcorc@bu.edu.